View Full Version : Just signed up -- WHERE is my DONATION # ??

09-05-2015, 02:21 PM
I just donated - got my confirmation email receipt but where is the donation#

09-05-2015, 02:58 PM
Takes 24-48hrs depends on your payment provider.

Hank Venture
09-05-2015, 03:47 PM
Mine came in instantly and your donation number is your user name and password at the bottom of the email. Mine is 12 numbers long and starts with 649. Hope this helps

09-05-2015, 03:50 PM
thanks .. finally got it...

however can't get it working..

several problems --

I try and set the MAC address to my donation number, and SUBMIT from the form but it never changes - if I go bac and do a search again to check the information.

it just has MAC Address 00:00:00:00:00

also it pops up this message in the area where I would input a new address...
(my MAC address doesn't begin with 00:1A:78:)

I'm assuming it doesn't apply to me because I'm not using an STB elmulator?

WARNING: If you are using an STB emulator for IPTV then you should use a MAC Address under
the following range 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX (replace XX by hexadecimal digits), or your MAC Address
may be modified without any previous notice.

using Kodi AddOn IPTV Stalker'

when I try to launch the AddOn it say HTTP ERROR 404 ??

I'm using http:11.iptvprivateserver.tv

which is what I was given, and I cut and pasted it into the addon config settings?

what am I doing wrong.. ???

Hank Venture
09-05-2015, 04:30 PM
Your mac address has to be formatted correctly. 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX or 00:1A:79:xx:xx:xx depending on equipment used.

09-05-2015, 05:17 PM
thanks, got it working.

I was using the regular IPTV Stalker AddOn -- NOT the PVR Client like I was suppose to.

MY Mistake for not reading up on this more..

thanks for the HELP!

Hank Venture
09-05-2015, 05:20 PM

quick question. how is everything running.