View Full Version : Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

01-30-2017, 07:30 AM

The story of Desmond Doss who enlists into the US army in 1945 but refused to carry a weapon due to his beliefs in god.
It goes through his back story with flashbacks throughout the film.
The film centres around the assault of Hacksaw Ridge with the aim to then take Okinawa.
It is an absolute bloodbath with some scenes in the film making the opening scenes of Private Ryan look tame!
While the rest of his company retreat, Doss makes the decision to stay and rescue the wounded.

Mel Gibson directs and what a film he has created.

A must see!


https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. XLj8jZqzNH2uXXOddvdGrgHaEl%26pid%3DApi&f=1

01-30-2017, 01:57 PM
I liked this movie. It doesn't glorify war and realism was important. The only nitpick was Vince Vaughn, who seemed a little cartoonish, and seemed like a copy cat of R. Lee Ermey. The real history probably couldn't work as a movie, the events were more spread out in different battles, but the important thing was showing Doss faiith and service.

01-30-2017, 02:03 PM
I like the camera work, but I wasn't too excited about the movie. I don't understand why it's nominated for all the awards though. I though it was a re-make of Crazy stupid love with music.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. XLj8jZqzNH2uXXOddvdGrgHaEl%26pid%3DApi&f=1

crazed 9.6
01-30-2017, 05:33 PM
never caught this one yet, but I am gonna now
thnx :)

01-30-2017, 11:45 PM
very good movie

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. XLj8jZqzNH2uXXOddvdGrgHaEl%26pid%3DApi&f=1

08-02-2017, 01:33 AM
I saw this in one of the best theaters for sound in the world. Really good movie and well worth watching. Make sure you have your audio system setup at 100% and let the neighbors know your not turning it down!

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. XLj8jZqzNH2uXXOddvdGrgHaEl%26pid%3DApi&f=1

08-03-2017, 12:56 AM
I watched it 2 nights ago on one of the channels and all I can say is, "Wow"! It was incredibly moving and I immediately told friends about it.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. XLj8jZqzNH2uXXOddvdGrgHaEl%26pid%3DApi&f=1