View Full Version : 50 Amazing and strange Astronomy facts

06-10-2018, 11:58 AM
50 Amazing and strange Astronomy facts


1-Saturn would float if you would put it in water.

2-If you would place a pinhead sized piece of the Sun on the Earth you would die from standing within 145 km (90 miles) from it.

3-Space is not a complete vacuum, there are about 3 atoms per cubic meter of space.

4-Only 5% of the universe is made up of normal matter, 25% is dark matter and 70% is dark energy.

5-Neutron stars are so dense that a teaspoon of them would be equal to the weight of the entire Earth’s population.

6-The Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon but is 400 times further away from Earth making them appear the same size.

7-The star Lucy in the constellation Centaurus is a huge cosmic diamond of 10 billion trillion trillion carats.

8-Seasons last 21 years on Uranus while each pole has 42 years of sunlight followed by 42 years of darkness.

9-Venus,on the other hand, does not have any seasons at all.

10-1 year on Mercury consists of less than 2 days on Mercury.

11-There are as many oxygen atoms in a breath as breaths of air in the atmosphere.

12-Helium is the only substance in the universe that cannot be in solid form.It can’t be cold enough.

13-The coldest place in the universe is on Earth. In Wolfgang Ketterles lab in Massachusetts. 0.000000000001 degrees Kelvin.

14-The pistol star is the most luminous star known 10 million times the brightness of the Sun.

15-Saturn’s moon Titan has liquid oceans of natural gas.

16-All the planets are the same age: 4.544 billion years.

17-Earths moon was most likely formed after an early planet named Theia crashed into Earth.

18-8000 stars are visible with naked eye from Earth. 4000 in each hemisphere, 2000 at daylight and 2000 at night.

19-90-99% of all normal matter in the universe is hydrogen.

20-Only 55% of all Americans knows that the Sun is a star.

21-Because of the speed the Sun moves at, solar eclipses can last at most 7 minutes and 58 seconds.

22-Lunar eclipses, however, can last 1 hour and 40 minutes.

23-All the coal, oil, gas, wood and fuel on Earth would only keep the Sun burning for few days.

24-A full moon is nine times brighter than a half moon.

25-When the Moon is directly above your head or if you stand at the equator, you weight slightly less.

26-A single Quasar produce the same amount of energy as 1 trillion suns.

27-Just after the Big Bang, everything in the universe was in liquid form.

28-A planet nicknamed “The Genesis Planet” has been found to be 12.7 billion years old making it the oldest planet found.

29-The shape of the universe looks a lot like a brain cell.

30-Every year, the Moon is moving away from Earth by 3.8 centimeters.

31-The Moon spins around its axis in the same time it goes one lap around the Earth which makes us always see the same side of it.

32-Upsilon Andromeda B also only face one side to its star. One side is hot as lava while the other one is cold below freezing.

33-The average galaxy contains “only” 40 billion stars.

34-While in space astronomers can get taller, but at the same time their hearts can get smaller.

35-Mars surface is cowered with iron oxide (rust).

36-Only half a billionth of the energy released by the Sun reaches Earth.

37-Rogue planets are not bound by any star, brown dwarf or another planet which makes them free-float around the galaxy.

38-Sweeps 10 is the planet with the shortest orbital period found. It orbits its star in only 10 hours.

39-85% of all stars in our galaxy are part of multiple-star systems.

40-Some brown dwarfs have liquid iron rain falling down on them.

41-The light emitting from the Sun is actually 30.000 years old.

42-Of the over 20 million meteors that are observable every day only one or two reach the surface of Earth.

43-The United States have approximately 3.500 astronomers, but over 15.000 astrologers.

44-The closest black hole to Earth is only 1.600 light-years away.

45-There are at least 10^24 stars in the universe.

46-Certain “star quakes” have been found to tear apart the surface of neutron stars.

47-Any free-moving liquid in outer space will form itself into a sphere due to surface tension.

48-The odds of being killed by falling space debris is 1 in 5 billion.

49-Neutron stars can rotate up to 500 times in 1 second.

50-The largest structure found in the universe is the Sloan Great Wall, a super cluster of galaxies 1.37 billion light-years wide.

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