View Full Version : An asteroid exploded over Russia

06-23-2018, 12:14 PM
An asteroid exploded over Russia this week
Eddie Irizarry in HUMAN WORLD | SPACE | June 23, 2018


A bright meteor was seen in near daylight on June 21, 2018 over several Russian cities, including Lipetsk, which is located southeast of Moscow. The fast fireball produced an amazing smoke trail that remained visible during several minutes. NASA’s fireball records indicate the event occurred on June 21 at 01:16:20 UTC. Sensors detected that the space rock produced an explosion equivalent to 2.8 kilotons. That explosion size corresponds to the disintegration of a small asteroid of about 13 feet (4 meters) in diameter. That size is in contrast to the estimated 65-foot (20-meter) asteroid that exploded in the air over Chelyabinsk, Russia in February 2015.

Infrasound sensors detectors registered the low frequencies produced by the explosion of the space rock as it entered Earth’s atmosphere.

Although intense friction with the air would have caused most of the space rock to disintegrate, it is possible that small fragments may have reached Earth’s surface.

Russia is the largest area (besides the seas) on Earth, so that is most likely why there are more sightings over it. - ilan

06-23-2018, 02:52 PM
Only a camera can capture that. If you were outside, your eye is too slow to detect that.

06-23-2018, 04:27 PM
It does leave a vapor trail as it burns up.