View Full Version : Plastic Waste

crazed 9.6
04-30-2020, 10:56 PM

What has been bothering me (among other things) is what is and is going to be happening with plastics during this pandemic.
As an example, here in my small city, the city council set a bylaw a few months ago (maybe 6 months ago), which stopped the use of single use plastics. No more plastic shopping bags and other single use items.
I know other places around the globe started this as well.
I thought it was great and loved the fact that my city went ahead of others around us and set the bylaw, just fantastic :)
And we all got use to it rather quickly, starting with using our own shopping bags other then plastic ones.
But now with this pandemic, they went back to plastic bags and single use plastics. I do understand why, but there has got to be a better solution. We made such progress (a drop in the bucket in the big picture but it was progress).
What I been doing is not accepting my groceries in the plastic bags and keep my own bags in the truck parked outside. I just pack my groceries once I am back outside of the store.
So there are ways to do this without bringing back them damn plastic bags.

And even more worrisome is the fact that plastic is a product made from oil.
Oil prices are down in the cellar since 90 % of the cars are parked and gathering dust and planes are grounded (mostly) and cruise ships docked. Only thing really that are still running at full capacity are trains and trucks bringing us goods and food.
So guess what ?
The oil companies now or will be pushing plastic like never before seen. This will happen and already is.

I would really like to drop the F bomb about now, because i am out of words to explain my disgust :(

Even before this pandemic and the drop in oil prices, the oil companies have already been proceeding forward with war to keep their plastic smothered world just as it is.

Judith Enck, a former administrator with the US Environmental Protection Agency and now President of the environmental platform Beyond Plastics.

"The oil industry is increasingly looking "for a replacement market, knowing that fossil fuels are not going to be so dominant in electricity generation and also transportation, as more people turn to electric vehicles and electric buses," says Enck.

"The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a "enforcement discretion policy," which loosens environmental protection regulations."

"The EPA does not expect to seek penalties for noncompliance with routine monitoring" of possible violations of environmental laws, which, according to critics, may result in unstemmed pollution."

The President of the Plastics Industry Association, Tony Radoszewski, wrote a letter to US Health Secretary Alex Azar, protesting sharply against a "push to eliminate single - use products at the local, state, and now even the federal level."
end C/P

Judith Enck is not letting this go without monitoring thou, which is somewhat reassuring but we are dealing with oil companies :eek:
And we all know what the oil companies want, no matter what the environmental costs are, they usually get away with.

"The pandemic may have temporarily driven the environmental movement off the streets and onto the internet, but that doesn't mean polluting industries will get away with spinning it for their own selfish aims at the expense of the environment and public health," she writes in an op-ed in Newsweek.
end C/P

And I do not even want to mention Coca Cola ... I will for sure end up dropping that F bomb !!

oh my :(

04-30-2020, 11:35 PM
What I been doing is not accepting my groceries in the plastic bags and keep my own bags in the truck parked outside. I just pack my groceries once I am back outside of the store.
So there are ways to do this without bringing back them damn plastic bags.

And I do not even want to mention Coca Cola ... I will for sure end up dropping that F bomb !!

oh my :(

I take me Bags into the Store When I Go In and Bag Me Stuff while Inside...!!! Why don't You...?!?

As for Coke...


... :cool:

crazed 9.6
05-01-2020, 12:19 AM
I take me Bags into the Store When I Go In and Bag Me Stuff while Inside...!!! Why don't You...?!?

They will not let any bags into the store.
I guess because the bags might be symptomatic :eek:

lol @ Things Go Better
Did you know that at the onset of WWII, coke was seen to leave Germany.
That was a scam. What coke did was create the new soft drink Fanta, and sold it in Germany during the war and then of course worldwide after the war.
Gotta keep them dollars coming in :eek:
Coke is one of the devil monsters.

Do you remember the old commercial with the Native American that was crying when he entered the city and saw the pollution?
It was propaganda from the monsters (the corporations) and with the help of the media it worked for a long time.
That commercial was meant to put the pollution blame onto the people and not big corps ... was meant to embed in the people's minds that it's our fault.

There has been much reported on all this in the past.
A documentary, Coca Cola’s Plastic Waste, is one to look for.

The plastic pellets that the oil refineries produce and sends out to be consumed by manufactures, are sometimes referred to as "Mermaid's Tears"


05-01-2020, 12:33 AM

05-01-2020, 12:47 AM
very nice thread crazed :)

05-01-2020, 03:30 PM
Share of plastic waste that is inadequately managed .by Country ........U.S. seems to do well.........why is the finger pointing aimed at the U.S.A all the time..... instead of places like China and India


crazed 9.6
09-13-2020, 07:49 PM
Plastic Recycling --- did it ever work?

Waste Land --- Listen to this 24 minute podcast


09-13-2020, 08:15 PM

"Laura Leebrick, a manager at Rogue Disposal & Recycling in southern Oregon, is standing on the end of its landfill watching an avalanche of plastic trash pour out of a semitrailer: containers, bags, packaging, strawberry containers, yogurt cups.
None of this plastic will be turned into new plastic things. All of it is buried."

Speaking of Buried, can't it bee turned into Caskets...?!?

crazed 9.6
09-13-2020, 09:15 PM
Speaking of Buried, can't it bee turned into Caskets...?!?

But, it's more profitable to produce things from virgin sources.

Caskets and Funerals and burials or cremations are a hot topic too with me.
The things I have learned lately about all that has changed my mind on how I will be buried when that time comes.

And with the Pandemic in full swing, it seems that things have back tracked.
It's perfectly okay now to gobble up the very bad 'one use' plastics. And at an ever increased rate.
They say that the use of plastic (if stay on this trend) would triple by the year 2050.
I know that plastics have improved our quality of living since the inception of synthetics, but damn.... where will it all end ?

And all this PPE that is being produced and used (mainly the gloves and masks) , what is all that made from ?
And how much of that is seen as trash in our communities now and all over the world in fact ?

It's an oil tycoons perfect dream ! .... well not as good as it could be, not yet.
Them cars and Airplanes and massive cruise ships and etc, etc, need to get back up to full force and get back to gobbling up that petroleum :)

09-13-2020, 10:38 PM
I think synthetics were started to be used during WWII and it helped with the success of the war but it has surely turned into a monster. If only people would dispose of it along with other trash so it didn't get into our oceans...but alas people, in general, are messy.

09-18-2020, 09:29 PM
Plastic can be flash burned and not produce the acrid black smoke that along with the little floating pieces make it so nasty. It needs to be either recycled, or used as fuel in high temp burners. The process is the same as the new coal dust fired generating plants. blown in under high pressure as a fine dust almost 100% is burned instantly. As for storing burying and other types of disposal, they don't work for anything very well except natural earthen elements. If you disturb soil that has never been dug up it can take thousands of years for it to naturally reach its former state of aeration. If you substitute a non earthen element into the strata it has many more effects besides the bonding and aeration of the strata. It effects the aquifer renewal time, and many other natural processes. Concrete and paving in cities has a dramatic effect on aquifer regeneration. Large fields of plastic in landfills can block the absorption just as much as concrete and paving. There is a shrinking supply of unpolluted drinking water in the world. MANY countries have less than 1 oz per person per day and some have much less. It is so sad to see so many children die for lack of a sip of clean water.

09-18-2020, 09:49 PM
Look who the culprits are.......and its not the Great USA
