View Full Version : NFL 29 Constant freezing

12-01-2019, 08:44 PM
NFL 29 I'm seeing a small fraction of the game, only once every 20-30 plays do I see a bit of it. What gives?

12-01-2019, 11:22 PM
I had same issue confirmed using T3 on 1gb service, I also found multiple channels doing exact same thing on P6, PPV always good. Im afraid lots of people are moving from the old P2,P3 Servers because they have blacked out channels and pausing issues and the P6 is getting overloaded. These issues creap up later in the evening and weekends when more people are logged in pointing to insufficient bandwidth on the server end or a limit on logged in users. Lets get some more servers up P7 P8 P9 etc etc requiring more hardware.