View Full Version : Payment Gateway Information Part 2

01-30-2019, 12:04 AM

Our VISA and MasterCard payment processor is currently experiencing problems and haven't provided an estimated time to get back online.

We are working hard to implement an alternative that will be ready on Thursday, with this alternative you will be able to pay us with Bitcoins using your Visa, MasterCard through third parties, the billing process is entirely managed by those platforms, we only receive the Bitcoin in our wallet. They don't share any information with us and they don't even know who you are paying or what you are paying for, this process is much more secure and anonymous than any other we have implemented in the past but that comes with a downside because you have to do one time verification process because you have to proof them that you are the owner of the credit card that you are using because on Bitcoin transactions those payment providers can't take back their Bitcoins if your bank claims that the payment wasn't authorized or that you doesn't recognize the transaction, once you are verified you do not have to go through this process again, you just need to pay with the same email address and credit card.

Here at NFPS we take your private information very seriously and only collect the information necessary to deliver your order. such information are Bitcoin address which is unique to each transaction, email address, order number and order details.

this new process is an alternative and we will continue working to add direct payments to your credit card.

Thank you very much for the understanding and your support.

Best regards,
NFPS staff.