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View Full Version : Have a Dreamlink T2 but very new to IPTV

02-16-2018, 05:49 PM
I have the new Dreamlink T2 box but am not sure at all as to how to get it going.
I have a Rocket donation, but do not know where to input all this other information.
I went to the IPTV Reset & Rocket Checker and am confused about a few things.
Where do I input my MAC address
What Playlist should I be selecting?
These are just a few questions that I am not sure of.
Is there a step-by-step instruction sheet somewhere that I can follow?
Thank you

crazed 9.6
02-16-2018, 06:11 PM
Not a full tutorial posted for the T2 but the T1 Plus will be similar setup.
When doing the setup, use the DOL2 app and not the older DOL(1)


If you want to use the Playlist method then the MAC is not needed and you would use that Free-TV-Pro Player app found in the Market.
You can also install other Players for Playlists.

Use the Generic m3u Plus Playlist