View Full Version : Add guide to EPG

01-13-2018, 01:10 PM
One of the services I'm trying out doesn't show any information as to what is playing in the EPG guide nor when I hit ok to select channels. The channels are there, just no show information.

They have XML script for adding this to the EPG guide so it shows what is playing. How do I get this into the DOL2 software? I have a choice of a .xml or .gz setup to install

Or is this even a option that works with DOL2 and Dreamlink T2?


01-14-2018, 12:21 AM
Not an option... the peg links you are describing are for 3mu playlist and not mac address authorized stb apps like dol2. You may try loading programs like progtv or perfect player to utilize those epg links

01-14-2018, 05:52 AM
That's what I thought thanks for confirming.