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View Full Version : Vixo 1 vs Vixo 2

05-23-2015, 03:30 AM
I currently have the Vixo 1 and I was wondering how the Vixo 2 compares in picture quality. Most video looks 720p or less. I have a 4k TV and the quality is poor half the time. As well, does it stutter after a while? I have this issue with movies where I will have to restart them after 15 minutes or if I pause them.

One more question...I use a wireless connection, is anyone hardwired?


05-23-2015, 04:09 AM
well now you can run kodi lots movies in 1080p really dont see much for 4k yet and dont think it will do that Video Output: HDMI 1.4a, Full HD 1080p, 3D movie file format supported but movies run great and smooth i only run wireless

05-23-2015, 05:32 AM
im using an ethernet cord.. i only had mine running for like 30 min .. then i had to go to work.. but its great.. im trying to learn about kodi.. but as for picture quality its the same as the Avov tv online ... i dont have the vixio 1 but i do have a mag 254.. its a lil better than the mag.. but i did open up 1 comedy app in which the picture quality was the real 1080.. real to the eye not just going by numbers.. im already over happy with this box , once i learn about kodi , i might quit my job and watch tv full time...lol just kidding

05-24-2015, 11:45 AM
My two cents to this post. I have a Vixo 1, a Vixo 2 and a Mag 254. My internet is 20 Meg and I use a HD Panasonic 50 inch plasma TV. I use mostly IPTV app (TV Online). In my experience the Avov 1 and 2 are about the same picture quality, the Mag is pretty good also. The only advantage I see in the Avov is the Mickie Store access, the video streaming apps and the games (not a game person). Of course the Vixo 2 has a game controller, but the price is high. Honestly both Avov's are slow to access channels and selecting movies, compared to the Mag 254 that tunes instantly. For the price I like the Mag 254. For some reason I understood (according to the spec's) that a faster processor and more memory meant speed. Not true, will probably sell both Avov and stay with the Mac. All three boxes are good. I am not bashing, just my experience.