View Full Version : Top 10 Reason why to Join IPTV Talk

05-22-2015, 01:28 AM
In honor of David Letterman's last day here is the top 10 Reasons why you should join IPTV Talk:

10. You got banned from FTA Beta so might as well come here and learn about IPTV

9. The MODS in IPTV Talk are very insightful and take their time to answer all you questions even if the have been asked the same question 10,000 times. Ofcourse if they are not drinking that night or shooting stuff outside their house or complaining on who is better Race Car Driver Dale Earnhart or Jeff Gordon.

8. There are Tutorials for getting started on IPTV and they are in writing and youtube videos. SO easy that caveman could not only follow the instructions but I sometimes believe is was a caveman who wrote them.

7. You can also learn about Kodi formerly XBMC, with many video add-ons that would make you start binge watching shows like House of Cards or Breaking bad and if that wasn't bad enough it has so many movies that it would make you feel bad that you are not paying $30 for movie tickets, $40 for stale popcorn and a water down drink.

6. You can find out what Kodi addons are good and which are not so good. YOU can also rate a add-on too (cheap plug in for my Rate at Addon sticky, conveniently located on the Kodi Section)

5. In IPTV Talk we have sections for Jokes, Health, Cooking Recipes, Computers, Routers/Modems(, Movies, Space and Aliens (not the illegal ones), Music (if you post any polka music you will be banned for life) Travel and adventure (please no more "I did not know she was a man" Thailand stories), pets (to comply with the members with alternative lifestyles in other words the cat people. And lets not forget guns section, because nothing says more that you are a man than owning more weapons than pretty much all the police departments in Australia.

4. There are members here from all over the world and all walks of life. I didn't know that psychiatric institutions allow their patients access to the internet.

3. You can not only come here to learn about IPTV but you can also help out the new members with questions and issues that you had when you first started. It's fun and there is nothing more satisfaying that being able to "pay it forward"

2. IPTV is ground breaking, the IPTV Stalker video add on was started here, created by hardworking dedicated members that took their time to make sure everyone has the chance to enjoy nfps and rocket IPTV. Refer a friend, worst that could happen is that he would stop calling you!!

1. ALL IPTV Members get discounts from Justandroidtv and avov, but the best part is that is currently free (so stop complaining when is down cry babies)

Hope you got a laugh!!I did!!!

05-22-2015, 01:35 AM
Good Stuff Laser....;)

05-22-2015, 03:29 AM
Great post laser.....lol

05-22-2015, 05:07 AM
was laughing all the way there Laser nice one ,and most of all we're friendly,so keep it up.

05-22-2015, 03:53 PM
LOL. Thanks guys it was a spurt of the moment post but it's always good for a laugh.