Watch for moon, Jupiter, Lyrid meteors
EarthSky in TONIGHT | April 21, 2019

The moon is just a few days past full on the nights of April 21 and 22. Meanwhile, the Lyrid meteor shower is expected to put forth its greatest number of meteors during the predawn hours on April 22 and especially April 23. If you’re a veteran meteor-watcher, you’re already shaking your fist at the moon. Its glare will drown out all but the brightest Lyrids. However, the moon offers its own delights, sweeping past Jupiter – the largest planet in our solar system and second-brightest planet in our skies – on these mornings. Also, you can look for the bright star Vega, which nearly marks the radiant point of the Lyrid meteor shower. Both Jupiter and Vega should have no trouble overcoming the moon-drenched skies. Find them, enjoy them … and maybe you’ll spot a meteor, too!

By the mornings of April 24 and 25, the moon will have passed Jupiter to appear near Saturn.

The greatest number of Lyrid meteors usually falls in the few hours before dawn. That’s when the radiant point – near the star Vega in the constellation Lyra – is highest in the sky. For that reason, that’s when you’re likely to see the most meteors, albeit, this year, in the light of the moon.
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Lots of cool stuff going on. Take some time and give the sky a gander at the appropriate times mentioned in the article. You'll be rewarded! - ilan