I am posting about this issue again but its is back again, same problem it appears.

This time I am posting in the correct forum... I think.

Buzz 4900

Can not connect. get message preparing to download and then won't connect.

I this happens almost every week. When I go to the cabin and try to watch TV it will not connect every time. I leave the Tv and Box

on but it disconnects at some time during the week.

I have rebooted, unplugged for 10 mins at a time, restarted the WiFi, tried to change portal 9but can not) on P6, rest the iptv and changed country. All of these several times.

Any suggestions would be great, I would like to try and solve this on a more permanent basis if at all possible. It seems that a

Mod has to reset it for me each time. I do think them for sure.

Another side note, on the last update a few weeks ago, when I change channels there is a few second of black screen each time I

change channels. It was never that slow before the bast update. Is Buzz working on a fix or is it just my unit? thank you