Has everyone seen this yet ?
It came to news last week, thurs or friday.
Paypal sent out email notifications to customers about their policy changes.

If THEY (paypal) decide that you been speaking misinformation on social media they will fine you and collect $2500.00
Yes that's right, 2.5K and just because they decide . Not even a judge in a court room can do that unless procedures followed thru.

Millions have been cancelling and removing their funds from PayPal, since late last week.

They backed off shortly after. this was reported. I watched the slide in real time, and it started because Daily Wire reported about it all.
PP said it was a mistake... lmao...yea , and with their track record I am to believe that.

WEF and some other unsavory entities are in control of PayPal, it can be proven with some simple searches.
The Digital Currency controled by banks and governments are gonna be a far easier way to control you, this paypal thing was just a pre-cursor..... be aware of it.
