A man was telling his doctor that his wife has grown cold after years of marriage, so the doctor gave him a potion to kick start her hormones, But he also told him to only give her two drops, delighted he rushed home with a bottle of wine and made dinner, after the meal He went to the kitchen and poured two drinks he.took the dropper of the potion and put four drops of the potion in her drink, realizing his mistake he puts two drops in his drink hoping to be able to keep up with her, she takes her first sip, and says, It's getting awfully hot in here, he tells her to "drink baby,drink", she starts taking her clothes off and he says drink baby drink, finally, she naked, sweating shouts "I need a man, I need a man, I need a man, right now!!!! He finishes off his drink, looks her dead in the eyes and says, "I need a man too baby."