Outer Portal Settings:

Common Settings
Accelerated Rendering
If possible set to hardware acceleration, if not, set to software acceleration. Depends on the hardware in your device.
Network Settings
Cache Size
Set to 40960
Hit ok to set
IJK Player Settings
Analyze Duration
Make sure it is set to 3000000
Probe Size
Make sure it is set to 4096 (Default)
"Your profile name"
STB Configuration
STB Model
Make sure it is set to 256 (Default)
Media Player Settings
Media Player
Set to ljk

Inner Portal Settings:

Scroll over to Settings

Set time Zone to nearest location (if east coast then set to NY). Hit ok button to save.
Advanced Settings
Set buffer size to 3, anymore can have neg. results
Set screensaver to Disabled
Hit ok button to save.

Restart StbEmu or Reload Portal and see results.
If issues are on server end then nothing can be done within the app.
I highly recommend once you get the results you are looking for you save your profile for future use.
Inner portal settings cannot be saved so if updated you will need to re-enter those settings.

Hope this helps user's of stbemu. Trying to help.