You are correct Mano that most players of any kind can only timeshift if that is enabled by the provider. The latest update to the T1+, however, claims to provide timeshifting via local storage of the stream. It does record the paused stream which can be verified by looking in the /mnt/sdcard_external directory with a file browser. After a timeshifting attempt you will find a file _timeshift.ts there which which is overwritten with each pause attempt. This file can be played in a video player proving it IS recording the paused stream. However seems that the new DOL software will not allow real-time playback.

It may seem strange that they would claim that something works which clearly does not but I suspect that this is a situation in which it works on the development equipment but not on the target device. Been there, done that.. it's embarrassing. Fixing the scheduled recording issue should be easier. I expect both fixes to be released together. I assume that they are working on it now and, I hope, already testing it on a beta group.