
I have mag 254 Latest update and I have problem with streaming from privet server this server required user-agent as kind of authentication so in the .m3u file I've added the user-agent as below

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="1" tvg-id=""MB" tvg-logo="http://xxxxx.com/channels/MB.jpg" group-title="INT",MB
#EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=ZR+ V1.4.2

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="2" tvg-id=""MB2" tvg-logo="http://xxxxx.com/channels/MB2.jpg" group-title="INT",MB2
#EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=ZR+ V1.4.2
and I've make sniff the traffic. using WireShark and power on the mag254 I've found that the user-agent is still "Lavf53.32.100\r\n" not as we want "ZR+ V1.4.2"
since I've test the m3u file in with VLC found that the user-agent become "ZR+ V1.4.2" with no issue at all.