This is for those using Simple Client in KODI. I still use KODI 15.2 (if it aint broke don't fix it) and I hope it will work in more recent versions.

First of all credit goes to viper8690 for his excellent guide which is the basis for this project. Not all channels have a guide mainly because
there is no guide for them at the location where Viper8690 gets his information. Also there are 3000+ channels on our servers and most people are
only interested in the first 200 - 300 of them, so this project only covers those channels from zero up to the adult channels.

You will need a new m3u list, I'm on IKS66, I believe Rocket and NFPS use the same channel lineup so should work with them as well.
Sensitive information has been removed from the m3u and you will have to edit it back in using your information which you will find in the m3u
file you download from your donation checker, editing is easily done with a good text editor (I use TextPad) using the find/replace function

Simple Client needs to know where to look for the guide information, which is done in it's config page, you need to tell it where you store the
m3u file on your computer and the URL of the guide information. Here's how:-

1.- Download and extract the new m3u and photos from
Using a good text editor which has a find/replace function insert your information in the fields YYYYY (URL) and ZZZZZ (User/Pswd). This information is available in the m3u file you download from your donation checker.

2.- Open the config page of Simple Client in KODI. Under the 'general' tab set LOCATION to Local Path and M3U PLAY LIST PATH to where you stored the
edited m3u file (NewList.m3u)

3.- Under the 'EPG settings' tab set LOCATION to Remote Path and XMLTV URL to
I did not need to set anything else on that tab.

4.- Under 'Channels Logos' just select Prefer XMLTV

5.- Finally in SYSTEM - SETTINGS select the TV tab and then 'Guide' and select CLEAR DATA... this will eliminate any old epg data you have stored.

I normally reboot KODI at this point. When it reloads you will see the channels load and then the guide loads.

TIMEZONE. The basic viper8690 guide is in GMT. To adjust to your timezone you will see a new line has been added at the start of the m3u list
#EXTM3U tvg-shift=-7
This line is to adjust for your timezone, where I am we are at -7 so you will have to adjust accordingly.