Hi, I've been a customer for a long time, Never had many issues, but ever since the last big security update to include a User and Password, now matter what I buy my accounts with on IPTV66.com, they do not send me an email at all, the money is taken the second it confirms transaction and shows on my bank account. I have lost 2 payments in the past and not bothered trying to get the money back as its too much hastle.
I have to say a big thanks to Crazed for sending alot of emails manually sensing over my accounts the last few transactions, I just dread to think the amount of people paying and not knowing what to do so just giving up like I did the 2 times.
It was once the best service and the only I would recommend before the update, but since then other than the admin that has replied to my messages to get my accounts through which he shouldnt have too, it's been pathetic.
I know this message and my account will probably get banned. I don't see why though, I was a big supporter to start with. But this will probably be my last couple of months buying accounts for friends that need to extend before I stop then I done for good. A shambles.


P.S. sorry for any bad grammar, uaing a mobile