A young lady had unwantedly became pregnant and wanted an abortion. Unfortunately, a medical examination showed she was too far gone and therefore not possible. When told so by her doctor she broke down and cried. "I can't have a baby now" she said "There must be something you can do!" The doctor thought for a while, and came up with an idea: "There is bound to be someone in this hospital in for an appendix operation when you give birth - we'll just give her the baby and tell her it wasn't the appendix after all".

The young lady agreed to his plan, but at the time she was giving birth there were no women in for appendix operation in the hospital, in fact the only person was an old priest. The doctor, desperately realising the gravity of the situation and his promise, figured he might as well try anyway.

The priest was overwhelmed. Convinced this was an immaculate conception he took his little son home.

The years passed and his son grew to become a fine boy. The priest was getting old, and finally he called his son to his deathbed.

"There is something I have to tell you" said the priest "I am not your father". His son looked at him in surprise. The priest went on "I am your mother, the bishop is your father