View Full Version : New PPV Movies Channel 5xx EPG Grab

08-30-2015, 09:58 PM
This may be of interest to those that grab their own EPG.
Was away for the weekend and noticed all the new ppv today and thought dam that's a pain in the butt to dummy them one by one and have to change them all(daily maybe?) when they change the movies so I put together a script I added to my epg update.

****First a few important things*****
- this is not perfect and relies on a few things
-It gets the ppv Movie channel names from the kodi.log,since I run my grabber on a windows box with kodi 15 you need debugging enabled(System,System,Debugging) or the log does not contain the channel names.my Linux box includes them in the log with debugging disabled.you should check your log and see if they are there.should look like this..

17:42:12 T:1456 DEBUG: AddOnLog: Stalker Client: SData::ParseChannels: 501 - PPV Movies - A Brilliant Young Mind
17:42:12 T:1456 DEBUG: AddOnLog: Stalker Client: SData::ParseChannels: 502 - PPV Movies - All Creatures Big and Small
17:42:12 T:1456 DEBUG: AddOnLog: Stalker Client: SData::ParseChannels: 503 - PPV Movies - Aloha
17:42:12 T:1456 DEBUG: AddOnLog: Stalker Client: SData::ParseChannels: 504 - PPV Movies - Dark Places

-What I do is when I want to run a update.
-restart kodi with debugging enabled to get the latest list from the server.wait for it to finish loading.
-run my grabber with the below added to my .bat file.if you are working off what psycon has on the git I put it at the top the be executed first.
-the end result is a PPV.txt file with a dummy channels generated with the name of every ppv movie channel it detected.
-what I do is simply add it to my already created regular dummy channels file with copy /b dummyeng.body + PPV.txt dummy.txt.the resulting file is dummy.txt which is then processed with datemath,ect and turned into a xml file that can be added to the regular channels pulled by webgrab,mc2xml, whatever.
-you will have to edit the file path names to math your file locations.

Echo Getting PPV Channels

copy C:\Users\YOUR PC NAME\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\kodi.log "E:\NFPS-EPG-Grabber-Rovi\bin\"

sed -e "/- PPV Movies/!d" < "kodi.log" > "ppv_channels.txt"
sed -e "/time range:/d" < "ppv_channels.txt" > "ppv_channels1.txt"
sed -e "s/^[^-]* - //" < "ppv_channels1.txt" > "ppv_channels_done.txt"

setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (ppv_channels_done.txt) do (
set /a N+=1
echo ^<channel id="%%a.iptvprivateserver.tv"^> >> PPV.txt
echo ^<display-name^>%%a^</display-name^> >> PPV.txt
echo ^</channel^> >> PPV.txt
echo ^<programme start="20150513213000 +0000" stop="20160513220000 +0000" channel="%%a.iptvprivateserver.tv"^> >> PPV.txt
echo ^<title lang="en"^>%%a^</title^> >> PPV.txt
echo ^<desc lang="en"^>PPV Movie.^</desc^> >> PPV.txt
echo ^<category lang="en"^>Movie^</category^> >> PPV.txt
echo ^<previously-shown /^> >> PPV.txt
echo ^<rating system="VCHIP"^> >> PPV.txt
echo ^<value^>TV-Y^</value^> >> PPV.txt
echo ^</rating^> >> PPV.txt
echo ^</programme^> >> PPV.txt
del ppv_channels*.txt

sample output of one ppv channel.

<channel id="PPV Movies - A Brilliant Young Mind.iptvprivateserver.tv">
<display-name>PPV Movies - A Brilliant Young Mind</display-name>
<programme start="20150830000000 +0000" stop="20150831000000 +0000" channel="PPV Movies - A Brilliant Young Mind.iptvprivateserver.tv">
<title lang="en">PPV Movies - A Brilliant Young Mind</title>
<desc lang="en">PPV Movie.</desc>
<category lang="en">Movie</category>
<previously-shown />
<rating system="VCHIP">

I only did this to be able to see the ppv movie channels in guide view as I hate using channel view.
I am no coder so someone with more knowledge may laugh at this but it works for me.LOL


08-30-2015, 10:39 PM
on the new ppv channels the movie names are all ready there using the 66.iptv66.tv for the epg i used to use my own epg grabber i found all the guide and channel logos load for me i am using the pvr stalker client 0.6

08-30-2015, 11:25 PM
yes the movie name appears under the channel name but I don't see them listed in guide view on my windows or Linux box.the above dummy generated channel gives it guide data(PPV Movie) so its visible in the epg grid.

08-31-2015, 02:02 AM
on the new ppv channels the movie names are all ready there using the 66.iptv66.tv for the epg i used to use my own epg grabber i found all the guide and channel logos load for me i am using the pvr stalker client 0.6

It it frezzzzzing?