View Full Version : Mag boxes not connecting

07-25-2015, 10:55 PM
Using three mag boxes two mag 254 and mag 270 11.iptvrocket.tv were show two days ago on thzt server its been two days now I cant connect I havs reboot router and modem about five times hard reboth boex and cant not connect the boxes have been paired to the donation .....

07-25-2015, 11:10 PM
check your donation panel some users have reported there macs where all zeroed out.

07-28-2015, 09:29 PM
my links says successful but its4 days now i can not connect have two other mag boxes and they are not connecting not even emulator i use the http://11.iptvrocket.tv/ and i also use 11.iptvrocket.tv 1ts 4 day now they work one day after the 11.iptv went in effect