View Full Version : livetv-ivue different time zone

06-24-2015, 08:04 PM
i go back and fourth between livetv and ivue tvguide i have notice after a research today live tv using the is.gd/NFPSE the premium channels are from the west coast while ivuetv are east coast to confirm i went from laptop to firestick to my s5 and and that's what i see. anybody else notice this.??

06-24-2015, 09:07 PM
This is expected behavior. The iVue guide was created for the Eastern time zone, using webgrab+plus. The psycon grabber mostly uses mc2xml and is set for UTC. The iVue guide won't work with the PVR Stalker, unless you go through the effort of time correcting all the channels for UTC. I guess if your really like the iVue data, the PVR Simple using IPTV Stalker is a valid option.

06-25-2015, 05:00 PM
thanks for that info which sucks for me

06-25-2015, 07:24 PM
well i see it as a plus for me when i get tired of the repeated movies from ivue i can do the live tv west coast but i also notice that it is only the premium channels that are of time zone because the regular tv channels match what ever is showing on cable tv on the east coast. hope this makes sense.LOL