View Full Version : Mars Rover Curiosity

09-14-2016, 11:27 AM
Mars rover Curiosity
CNN | Updated 6:58 PM ET, Fri January 29, 2016

NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover landed on the red planet on August 6, 2012, after the much-publicized "seven minutes of terror" landing. The rover's mission is to determine whether the planet ever has been capable of supporting life.


This teaser: Curiosity has snapped a selfie (http://www.nasa.gov/jpl/msl/pia19807/curiosity-low-angle-self-portrait-at-buckskin-drilling-site-on-mount-sharp), which is actually a series of selfies combined. The images show the spacecraft above the "Buckskin" rock target where it drilled and collected its seventh sample of the Martian soil. Dozens of images taken on August 5 were combined to create the photo.

See the incredible array of Mar's images...


More images (very recent) with a video at Space . com...
