View Full Version : Robbery (2018)

crazed 9.6
12-07-2019, 01:19 AM
Director: Corey Stanton
Writer: Corey Stanton
Stars: Art Hindle, Jeremy Ferdman, Sera-Lys McArthur

Some may recognize the name Art Hindle. He has been a staple in hollywood along time now. I always liked his work, even thou he never really been seen as a 'moviestar'
Anyway, he plays the aging farther that is just beginning to have dementia or alztimers.
But that really is not the story.
It's about a young guy that is down on his luck and comes home to his father (who is an old crook that had some success in his art, but after some time in jail and now his dementia setting in, well his 'son' wants his brain and the help it can give with his plans of robbery and the like...before the brain dies.
But there is a twist in this plan... okay there are about 14 dozen twists and once you finally get to the end and know everything, well it is quite the plot :)

Some say this movie is boring and bad acting, but I thought it was pretty great and had me intrigued most of the way.... Especially the scenes with father and 'son', which were done well, some good script writing with that part :)

Did I say there was a twist? No wait, there are 14 dozen twists in this movie... just check it out to see :)

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMzZlNzNiOTItYjE0NS00ZjcxLTk4ZjYtODcxOTA5ZmIxYz NjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzY4NzE0MDU@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,69 4,1000_AL_.jpg

12-07-2019, 04:25 PM
someone else also told me to watch it and I will!!thanks :)