View Full Version : TV online 2 vs 4 need help for a friend

08-19-2017, 02:31 PM
Hi guys, I have a tv online 2 box that works great and my friend contacted me because she found a tv online 4 box for sale that is used. I don't know much about the difference. She has seen my setup and liked it but can someone tell me if the online 4 box is much better than mine?


08-19-2017, 08:48 PM
No real difference and they're both discontinued, they have new boxes now ,the avov tv online s
And the avov tv online n, I wouldn't spend my money on discontinued product, but the 4 is better
Then the 2.

08-19-2017, 11:06 PM
If You can get it for a Fair(Good) Price go for it, They Still Work and KODI is on Them or can be Installed on Them either by using Mickey Hop, the Browser or connecting a USB Memory Stick with the zip file loaded on it...! ;)

08-20-2017, 02:59 PM
i run my 4 all time kodi rocks newer boxes dont like server here which they they are working on it and 5.0 is great to have for new kodi dont need use that ftmc but need kodi on it other ones had bugs in it so they could find you