View Full Version : Exodus Trakt Not Working Fix

06-19-2017, 06:02 AM
Hi All I know its been a while since I posted but if you find that you are having issues with trakt then try the steps below. I can confirm that they do work for now.

1. Head over to
Trakt.tv and login with your account.
2. Click on Settings > Your API Apps > + New Application. Enter in a name and skip the description.
3. In Redirect URI, put: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob for device authentication.
4. Skip Javascript origins, check the permissions /checkin and /scrobble boxes and click on SAVE App.
5. Write down your API Key and Secret key numbers and save them.
6. On your Kodi box, navigate to the following file ~/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.exodus/resources/lib/modules (use ES File Explorer on Android or navigate on your computer via a network connection) and open up the trakt.py file in a text editor.
7. Replace the following two lines: V2API_KEY = ‘Your New API Key Here’ and CLIENT_SECRET = ‘New Secret Key Here’ and save the file. Note that if Exodus updates and does not fix Trakt, you will have to edit this file again.
8. Back in Exodus, go into the Trakt settings, click on your username, and follow the instructions on screen to re-authenticate Trakt again.

good luck all.