View Full Version : Off To The Pharmacy

04-01-2015, 11:43 AM
One day an old man goes into a pharmacy, reaches into his pocket

and takes out a small bottle and a teaspoon laying it on the counter.

He asks the pharmacists,

“Could you taste this for me, please”.

Being a senior citizen, the pharmacists went along,

taking the spoon with a tiny dab of the liquid,

puts it in his mouth swills the liquid around

and with a grimacing look spits it out in a cup.

“Now does that taste sweet to you.”

says the old man?

The pharmacists said to the old man.
“Hell no!”

“Oh that's a relief”, says the old man,

“The doctor told me to come here

and get my urine tested for sugar”.

04-01-2015, 04:23 PM
Funny ....