View Full Version : Google play stb emulator

03-03-2016, 07:52 PM
I'm trying to configure an stb emulator on a Firestick and failing. I've seen that the emulator should be downloaded form google play store but I do not have an android device. The only sideloaded apps I have are from apk files. I need an emulator with the send serial number option and the one I have doesn't. Also need the portal URL that I believe starts with 11. Sorry to be a git but any help appreciated now the Kodi addon is failing :-( btw I use a PVR for another sub so can't use that for stalker as they clash

03-04-2016, 12:09 PM
Seo-Michael.com, Google it and go to his fire stick section. That's a place to start. Then get the newest version of emulator.
If you have a nfps, it's 11.iptvprivateserver.tv
Reset your Mac address
Go to Device Id and make sure you send it.
Shut down emulator and restart.
This is a quick guide, see how you do

03-04-2016, 04:16 PM
If running nfps download the latest file from here make sure it's arm not x86 file then load on to usb stick make sure usb debugging turn off in firetv, make sure you have es file explore installed on your firetv you can download from amazon store through your firetv, open es file explorer look for usb click on it then look for iptv on your usb and install it